Whatz UP maaan?

HEY do you want to talk about Wzrd's?
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This is a ramble to encourage YOU - whomever you are that was around during our time on-air. This is a genuine and maybe only time opportunity for us to reconnect and reflect on it.
Whatever the story or impression of the era and your time doing your shamanic show as you did it your way - it was amazing - it shaped and informed our lives - so lets share it now
We can approach doing this many ways - casual catch-up or totally impromptu messing up and laughing deliriously or crying about that particular time when so-and-so interrupted your routine and made you mad. Now you can blame them for why your show sucked so bad - of course, this is all said in jest because we can make the episode you're on yours -
Have it your way.... which is? Sure I can do some NLP Hypnosis to make it feel like you are back in time wearing your mullet and black biker jacket that you never wore in public - or we can write out a few questions in advance - noting important points you want to cover
There is a lot to talk about - your impressions (not voice) of the era and how you think back to that particular time. We can talk about your experiences, favorite moments, music and what it was like so that other wizards (past and present) and listeners (same) can hear it
You don't have to give your name (or real one) if you want to keep the noted narrativity of being anonymous and staying in the mystic of being a wizard but since we (likely not) are not on-air anymore - whose gonna kick-you-off for doing so? It's up to you. I remain as Wizard X just because it fits my demeanor and you know who I am anyway. We clear on it?
This is my give-back: a true gift of appreciation of the time we had together in whatever context it was - there we were in another era - wouldn't be nice to catchup and talk about it?
Simple questions like "Hows it going or Whattya been up to dude" bring to mind a whole host of answers and YOU can be the HOST too asking other wizards, musicians and VIP influencers of our past era whatever - see it's that kind of show ONCE WIZARDS with great potential - you have to live up to the image and participate in the best way you see fit. OK?
There are so many possibilities here - you only need imagine it and get in contact with me. Lets schedule some time to talk about it and record some segments - whatever you want it to be - we can create something around a theme or particular interest or angle you have.
Just get in contact here or via Terry or messenger (app).
What do you say? It'll be great to talk to you & catch up.