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2023 TEMP  DEPOT: RESEARCH PAPERS AND STUDIES LINKS (I still want to look over)


2024 1Q Review Discussion

What does it mean to be smart? 

Sentience, sapience, consciousness, intelligence and emotion


The Long Shadow of Peers: Adolescent Networks and Young Adult Mental Health 


Does Intercultural Contact Increase Anti-Racist Behavior on Social Network Sites?


Different Discussion Partners and Their Effect on Depression among Older Adults 


Economic Poverty: Does the Break-Up of Families Matter? 


Consciousness, Sapience and Sentience—A Metacybernetic View 


Phenomenology of psychiatric emergencies 


The feelings of knowing - fundamental interoceptive patterns (FoK-FIP) system: connecting consciousness to physics 


The impact of discernment counseling on individuals who decide to divorce: experiences of post-divorce communication and coparenting


How do general practitioners handle couple relationship problems in consultations? A focus group study


Cognitive Behavior Therapy 


Sense of Relational Entitlement and Couple Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Couple Negotiation Tactics 


Influence of Food Type on Human Psychological-Behavioral Responses and Crime Reduction 


Psychosocial factors associated with camouflaging in autistic people and its relationship with mental health and well-being: A mixed methods systematic review 


Social self-efficacy and mental well-being in autistic adults: Exploring the role of social identity 

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