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In our work empowering friendship and fellowship community, the challenge most people face is coming to terms with their M.V.P - most of us know the term as "Most Valuable Player" or in business as the Minimum Value Proposition but in the Friendship Fellowship we use MVP to mean being clear about our Mission, Vision and Purpose in life.  


Aligning all three elements of the MVP makes for a complete life and so alignment is the key strategy.


The ability to step up and achieve authentic alignment toward a shared mission, vision and purpose (MVP) is the true passion of why we exist and because we know people all over the world are waiting.


Often though, what we find is interest in our work but not 100% … full on commitment.


How come?  Why not?  


There can be many reasons for this.  Often, it can be an issue of self-esteem or the belief that one person doesn't matter.  It could be that there is something from the past that remains unresolved or incomplete and that continues to act as a distraction to reaching out to past friends or family.  Any small issue or sense of incompletion (even if it appears insignificant to you), can be enough to derail MVP alignment.


An astronaut on the way to the moon may have enough fuel to get there and back but a tiny oxygen leak or a small meteor coming slowly at the capsule is enough to have their attention move from the goal of landing on the moon to turning back to Earth fast.  The lesson is to be prepared to handle issues that can derail us and to get clear about “what’s is needed” right now – to resolve what’s wrong so we can grow.


Alignment towards a vision can also be derailed from a lack of inspiration. What displaces inspiration these days is quite often simply having to deal with the volume of work and meetings there is to handle.


Overwhelm: This workload has not ceased with work-from-home, giving back almost two hours that would have been spent commuting. In many cases, the workload in working remotely has increased. It is difficult to be present to purpose when you are constantly looking at emails piling up in your inbox.


However, there are ways of dealing with these factors that inhibit teams from being present to purpose. Much of it is in recognizing the types of conversations that need to happen in order to create enough room to get a glimpse of why we do our jobs. A good leader, a vibrant culture, and the right tools and practices for having these conversations can clear the way for teams to be present again to the why of their work rather than having it be routine, rote, and just another day on the job.

Let me introduce you to the HENRYs – high-earners-not-rich-yet – the most important demographic consumer segment that you’ve probably never heard of.  

Every marketer and retailer needs to understand the HENRYs in today’s rapidly changing and extremely competitive consumer economy. 

HENRYs are so named because they have incomes higher than nearly 80 percent of all U.S. households, which in today’s economy starts just a shade above $100,000. 
But they have not yet reached the level of ultra-affluent, the top 2-to-3 percent of households with incomes starting at $250,000.

The HENRYs are the new middle-class mass-affluent but they are poorly understood by those who traditionally sell to the masses.

For those marketers and retailers that define their customers as affluent, the HENRYs (in the words of Rodney Dangerfield) just get no respect. 

They are typically called aspirational in luxury circles but in terms of psychographics – they feel frustrated that they're lives despite their aspiration lacks meaning.

HENRYs feel they have more to give, have a sense of nostalgia for their youth, missed opportunities and lost friendships - they wonder about people from their past but
would like a stronger relationship tie than just liking facebook posts and getting the occasional email or postcard.   
8 ways transformational leaders stand out in an age of disruption.
Moral Manifesto -
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