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Michael D. Ratner, PhD

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New Podcast Coming Soon!

Personal Profile

I pay attention to buzz topics because they are strong leading trend 

indicators of not only what is on the minds of insights and analytics professionals today, but help point the way to what are likely to be key drivers of the television & entertainment industry in the future as well.


For several years now I have experimented with various methods to understand which emerging topics, technology, ideas and trends insights and analytics professionals are paying attention to as “buzz topics”. Starting way back in 2009 (see below) we decided the best way to do that would be to simply get the word right on the streets where 

many respondents can tell us what they are watching and the topics they are following via a number of inputs including view ratings and surveys.  I use this information to update our more structured reporting edition for my clients to determine actual adoption levels. We have found this is an effective early indicator of where the industry might be going in the future and a fantastic way to plant seeds of innovation for enterprising entertainment entrepreneurs to depend on.  Lets talk!

2021 Focus


2010 - 2020




General Manager and Program Director for new start-up working on the Podcast Channel (collective) which will include an advanced player and easy way for show hosts to upload their audio and video content.  Stay tuned!

Editor-in-Chief for US News Bureau, an online newswire hub for distributing press releases and stories started by myself.  I mostly covered major trade shows and helped run press room operations at major expos like CES, etc.

Foreign correspondent and World Expo press room news editor in Shanghai.  Also food reporter and culture trip newsfeed contributor for various publications.

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