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Some ace folks may feel like they're unable to connect with peers, particularly during puberty, college, or early adulthood. At certain life stages, it can feel like sex is the only thing your peers care about, and there can be a lot of pressure to talk about people you find attractive or want to be physical with. Navigating this as someone who is asexual can be confusing and uncomfortable - maybe you fake your way through the conversations to fit in but end up feeling disconnected from your true self. Or maybe you don't engage in talk about sex and find yourself getting left out of social circles. Try to connect with other asexual and LGBTQ+ folks through community events, dating apps, or online groups on social media or meetup.com. Over time, being involved in the community will likely introduce you to new people who are also asexual, which can help reduce feelings of loneliness and help protect your mental health. https://mhanational.org/lgbtq/asexual-community-mental-health

Asexual Identity Labels

Signs You Might Be Asexual | Our Ace Experiences