First Steps Forward
Socialist Democrats represent the will of many left leaning voters to incorporate a strong political, social and economic philosophy within the party that supports an egalitarian structured democracy.
As for our policy views, we are advocating for economic and social interventions to promote equality and social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a fair equity-oriented mixed economy. The protocols to accomplish this will involve all of us fully committed to direct representative and participatory democracy, national measures for income redistribution, regulation of the economy democratically in the general interest and social-welfare provisions.
We propose to shift decision-making power from the 1% of Oligarchs, corporate interests and Wall Street to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes all of us, American workers, consumers, families and all stakeholder views of our republic.
Stand with us to pass policies aimed at curbing inequality, eliminating oppression of underprivileged groups and eradicating poverty as well as support for universally accessible public services like care for the elderly, child care, education, health care and workers' compensation. JOIN NOW!
While having socialism as a long-term goal, Socialist Democrats seek to unify our common bonds, interests and resources. We seek a humanized fair form of people capitalism that creates the conditions for common flourishing whose outcomes are fair and benefit the common good. Our policy goals lead to greater democratic, egalitarian and solidarity outcomes.
Your membership and declaration is a commitment to policies aimed at curbing inequality, eliminating oppression of underprivileged groups and eradicating poverty as well as support for universally accessible public services like care for the elderly, child care, education, health care, environment and workers' compensation.
As a new organization we seek your input in building a national grassroots historical movement. Lets unite our efforts and we can transform America. It starts by you joining us. Lets build strong connections with all workers, the labor movement and trade unions, being fully supportive of collective bargaining rights and measures to extend decision-making beyond politics into the real-economic sphere in the form of self-determination of our shared future as a society concerned for the well being of all -- one another as a whole interest.