About Me

Michael D. Ratner, PhD
Social Scientist, Show Host
Resides today in Wisconsin
Lived in Chicago, IL (born)
San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Shanghai, China
Upstate New York
I have 2 amazing daughters (14 & 16)
Other current projects in development:
PodcasHosts.com & GrandTourIdeas.com ontology writing
I'm a curious person with the goal of finding out what's 'really going on'. My research on Community Conversations studied group dialogue and the consideration of collaboration in the public sphere where local empowerment can work to tackle conflicts that allows a new unified way of coming together productively for the fair, purposeful benefit of all concerned.
It can be challenging and maybe daunting to be the right person for all situations and occasions. No doubt we cannot be everything to everyone however we can be lovingly present that allows for the other person to open up to their highest self.

We're just getting started with this folks! I am looking for guest experts & your story~
Last day in Orlando after attending PodFest my thoughts on how I conceive of doing my show.
The new podcast has begun click here to listen to the latest show
For anyone interested in reading my other research about Mass Trance and my debatable social theories - you may like reviewing my IGOism.com, CRINGE or Pryons writing (works in progress). Please let me know what you think~