Advocate for Professional Standards, Justice and Ethical Practices Evaluation A Graduate Project: Community Conversations extension


Go Create Clamour
Public Hearing is a concept project to help get your voice heard. Its used at a time when you really need to attract attention to a wrong doing or a critical cause. Hearing from many different viewpoints can help you decide direction or action in an upcoming activity, legislation or legal campaign.
We suggest you promote your event continously so you get the attention needed. Also, by convening a Public Hearing we help lend your group an aura of authority and credibility. Holding them often will continue to bring attention to the matter at hand.
Serious about making noise? Count on us to help!

Fighting for Fairness
Although a public hearing is also a public meeting, or occurs in the context of a public meeting, the main purpose of most public hearings is to obtain public input and to increase awareness of issues.
Public Hearings are usually held live online and in informal settings. Not sure, this format is right for you? Applicants have the right to have their cause heard confidentially, and if you have been cheated by a merchant or wrongly charged with a crime, you the right to request a formal petition for court action to be filed. Everyone has the right to have an attorney present to represent them at any time.

News & Publications

Public Hearing is in the process of examining faulty laws, and advocating hard for implementing changes in the legal system, with the aim to enhance fair justice and efficiency. Working with other law reform bodies and researchers lets recommend ways to simplify and modernize the system. We are independent from government control, providing intellectual independence to accurately reflect and report on how current law should progress.
Our law reform activities include preparation and public presentation of potential court cases, arguments for reform; lobbying of government officials in order to change legislation; and research or writing that helps to establish an empirical basis for other law reform activities. We hope you'll support our cause

Public Hearing acts as an independent forum that functions to receive live testimony from invited victims of crime, advocates for change, consumer complaint and activism. We offer an innovative platform to increase public awareness that acts as witness for civil reform, proposed amendments to pending legislation, court sentencing and more.
We offer simple procedural guidelines to shine light on misconduct and wrong doings. We conduct Public Hearings to advance pragmatic solutions and to pressure politicans, elected officials and the justice system to act on urgent matters of concern. We often push and tirelessly advocate for those solutions with Congress, state legislatures, federal regulators, international policymakers and the courts to effect meaningful change.
A Paradigm Shift
Why should elected officials be the only authority to call a Public Hearing?
By alerting citizen awareness, consumer protection and public education Public Hearing is heralding a new dimension of community empowerment. Become a public advocate for fair business and accountable government practices.
Through community outreach, and grassroots "make your voice heard" advocacy. Let us help you get a fair Public Hearing. Our way empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and avoid getting ripped off.
Areas of Action
Employment Fairness
Refund Disputes
Criminal Activity
Equal Rights
Consumer Protection
Fair & Responsible Housing
Public Policy
Social Issues