Advocate for Professional Standards, Justice and Ethical Practices Evaluation A Graduate Project: Community Conversations extension
Areas of Concern

Public Hearing, an initiative for all concerned citizens, celebrates the very basis on which our democratic freedoms are built upon. This campaign hopes to inspire individuals, groups and organizations to speak out against corruption and greed among other social issues affecting society. Through a variety of activations we will present platforms and opportunities for individuals to make use of our most basic freedom, the freedom of speech and expression.
It is obvious that our nation is in need of active citizenship; individuals and organizations that will take the initiative to work towards a world that works for us all, and are not afraid to scream from the rooftops for a better society.
In On Liberty (1859) John Stuart Mill argued that "...there ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered."
Top 10 Complaints List
See the “Top 10 Consumer Complaints” video, our annual list compiled by the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and the North American Consumer Protection Investigators (NACPI), reveals consumers are fed up with everything from being sold a lemon of a used car to dealing with cable bills to out-and-out fraud. The stories from agencies’ files illustrate the wide range of problems that consumers encounter. See Top 10 Complaints video here.
Community Concern List
For the 3rd year in a row, millennials participating in the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Survey 2017 believe climate change is the most serious issue affecting the world today.
Nearly half (48.8%) of the survey participants chose climate change as their top concern, and 78.1% said they would be willing to change their lifestyle to protect the environment. Survey respondents were also in near unequivocal agreement over the cause of climate change.
Over 91% of respondents answered "agree" and "strongly agree" with the statement "science has proven that humans are responsible for climate change." Despite the dire state of the world today — and the stereotype that millennials' are selfish and apathetic — the generation aged 18 to 35 cares deeply about social issues, and they're determined to tackle them. Public Hearings can help in many ways.
False Promises & Fraud
There is an epidemic of sale misrepresentations, failure to deliver, faulty repairs in connection with furniture or appliances and false statements or failure to deliver in door-to-door, telemarketing or promised support, making money online, email solicitations, do-not-call violations among others.
Bogus sweepstakes and lotteries, work-at-home schemes, grant offers, fake check scams, the grandparent scam and other common fraud.
Administration of Justice
Sometimes it takes a Whistleblower to expose misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal activity occurring in an organization. If you have been exposed to wrong-doing either as a victim or worked for someone who is crooked contact us.
The alleged misconduct may be classified in many ways; for example, a violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud, health and safety violations, and corruption.
Whistleblowers may make their allegations openly in a Public Hearing setting or internally (example, to other people within the accused organization). Externally you can report it to watchdogs or other regulators, law enforcement agencies and to the media and key groups concerned with the issues.
Criminal Intent & Theft
Misrepresentations, shoddy work, failure to have required licenses, failure to perform. Service problems or billing disputes with phone, cable, satellite, Internet, electric and gas service
Public Hearing is the perfect venue for you to expose wrong-doing and bring to light illegal business practices to the world. SPEAK OUT!
Policy Implementation
Good public policy ideas do not become policies without sufficient political support. A method for forecasting the chances that a policy will be implemented is the PH Approach.
Identify the players likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the decision.
Determine issue position-whether each player supports, opposes, or is neutral toward the decision.
Determine power-how effective each player is in blocking the decision, helping make it happen, or affecting the implementation of a decision.
Determine priority-how important the decision is to each player.
Calculate the likelihood that the policy will be implemented.