What Secret Knowledge We're You Born to Teach?
Longevity / UFOs / Meditation / Hypnosis / Astrology / Healing / Self-Help / Abundance / Karma / Wicca / Chakras / Dreams / Divination etc ?
SPIRIT COLLEGE is a new online learning platform that offers you a way to teach online the esoteric knowledge that only you can offer.
Spirit College allows students to enroll in courses of interest to them were they have the freedom to enjoy classes of their choosing - taken on their own time - without the pressure of paying high tuition fees, turning in boring homework assignments or having to decide on one particular major or attending physical classes.
As with any academically qualified program, if a student would like to earn a certificate from your class they must meet the minimum requirements of the program and you should be clear about what is expected of them at the time of enrollment however most courses offered on Spirit College are usually for personal interest and not oriented towards earning a credits or a degree.
You get to create the course of interest to your student population. You get paid based on enrollments (if you charge for your course) and you own all the rights to your own content. We are a very free-minded and open learning platform -- please join our community!
This is the Spirit College 'Onstructor' website that explains about the learning platform and how you can teach your own course! The actual website for talking classes is www.SpiritCollege.com -- you are on the .org website for people that want to teach online here!
Spirit College is not just for those "New Age" people.
Spirit College plans on offering quality courses to attract a wide variety of curious minded students who are interested in different subjects and enjoy learning new ideas. Why not teach a course yourself and discover how your spirit opens up. Market research tells us that potential students love the idea of enjoying taking
Spirit College classes and they imagine it brings deeper meaningful learning into their lives and a profound understanding in the exploration of consciousness or greater meaning in the way we all can live together!
Regardless of what exactly brings people to Spirit College, each of us will find something unique and perfect for personal development and growth. Developing a life-long learner plan will spur our cosmic consciousness like never before and who knows what that will bring when you teach on our platform!
This is exactly where we can help.
It is natural to feel uncertain about or resistant to starting a new endeavor like teaching online. It is not uncommon for human beings to avoid change, even when experiencing a high intensity of discomfort. The path of self-discovery is not always an easy one, but it certainly is a worthwhile journey ripe with reward.
Spirit College in its evolutionary approach is about to launch a quantum paradigm shift and we are so happy that you are considering joining us and becoming an integral essential part of our new teaching platform!
We are here to help you take your career aspiration, esoteric knowledge and dreams to the next quadrant
Like a loving family, we are here with you every step of the way.
Let us help you reach your potential of spreading the word of who you are and what you can teach!
Click here for the new FREE SPIRIT COLLEGE Course Guide:
Lay the foundation for your course creation journey by defining your target student and course goals
1. Define clear course goals that will get students excited about learning from you!
2. The guide helps set a clear scope of what your course offers & needs to cover!
3. Discover the basic requirements to become a Spirit College Onstructor today!

Explore within online a New Realm of Possibility...

Spirit College
Come, come whoever you are: Wanderer, worshipper, lover of learning. Ours is no caravan of despair; Come, yet again come!

Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Spiritual Persuits
Our philosophy is easy. At Spirit College we integrate spirituality and practical everyday living into our Spiritual Deepening Program. We offer participants information and skill development through brilliant courses, talks, readings, reflections, contemplation, daily interactions, group work, and case studies.