Spirit College Instructors
Learn more about Spirit College. This page includes info on teaching and requirements. Your instructor account gives you access to class registration, college email, your course uploads, learning portal and more. Apply to become an instructor by proposing a course then activate your Spirit College access account now to begin exploring its many uses.
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Spirit College
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Becoming an Online Instructor
Teach @ Spirit College
Spirit College is an online learning platform where anyone has a skills or insight to share can teach. Our teachers are everyday cosmic creators, esoteric entrepreneurs, and mystic explorers who are passionate about what they do and know. These are people just like you or refer your unique special friend and colleagues. You don’t need to have a degree or be the #1 expert to teach. You don't have to have had spiritual experiences or be well known to publish your first class and grow a following. This page is set to help you get informed!
Fill out our Instructor Course Proposal form and lets get you started today!
Ready to get started? Learn how easy it is to create classes on Spirit College, and check out the easy steps for publishing your first class.
To connect with other teachers, ask questions, and get feedback as you create your class, join the Spirit Instructor Club. For more guided support, contact us here.
Who can teach @ Spirit College?
Anyone can offer a class. As long as your course adheres to our Instructor Standards, it can be published on the Spirit College learning platform.
What courses can I teach?
Spirit College classes fall into a wide variety of topics, including New Age & Spirituality, Astrology, Channeling, Divination, Energy Healing, Dreams, Goddesses, Meditation, Mysticism, Reincarnation, Sacred Sexuality, Self-Help, Shamanism, Theosophy Urantia, Wicca, Paganism and more, provided they meet our standards for minimum education. Spirit College exists for anyone—around the world—who has the drive to explore and never stop learning.
What's included in a class?
Spirit College classes vary in scope and can include a variety of media such as video, audio, PDFs and other assignment materials or projects. All classes are pre-recorded and students must enroll to access. Classes average 30-40 minutes in length.
What is a Class Contemplation?
Classes listed on the Spirit College platform are encouraged to include 'meditations' that cause the student to reflect on the course material and help visualize or practice concepts as they learn. Think of it as a fun exercise students can do to apply what you've taught them and share their work with other students for feedback. Learn more
Do you offer any teach resources?
Yes! We offer our instructors a certification course to help them master online teaching and we often hold webinars and instructor calls. We also have our Instructor Guidebook to help you build a great course. We’re also available for any questions.
How can I earn money?
Spirit College has a Partner Program where you'll have the opportunity to earn money through our royalty pool. Plus, you'll be compensated for new Student enrollments you bring in and how many courses are sold through your Instructor Link.
Frequently Asked Teaching Questions

A Transition to Transformation
Discover Possibilities
Why teach?
Poet William Butler Yeats remarked, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” Truer words were never spoken. For many students, a passion for education is often ignited by an inspiring teacher.
Spirit College Instructors are timeless teachers who are dedicated, to say the least. They don't work the hours traditional teachers do and they don't have to send kids to detention or discipline wise-cracks in class because we teach online and most of our courses are pre-recorded uploads that students take on their own time and place. Yet, Spirit College offers a platform and selection of courses not found elsewhere and our teachers still do everything they can to make sure their courses are top ranked and welcoming for students.
Spirit College is here to help you receive the recognition and potential for income you deserve. Whatever you desire to teach, we are here to encourage your efforts. What fuels your passion for teaching? We are curious.
“I love helping pupils realize that esoteric ideas can challenge your norms, and that’s okay.” – K.T.
“I enjoy the collaboration with other professionals, and the creativity needed to consider needs of different types of learners. I love what Spirit College offers us and our learners in the personal growth realm” – Ed O.
“I have found that students can teach me, too, about different cultures, abilities, and perspectives.” – Jill W.
“Being an advocate and helping all realize their own potential is my greatest joy in teaching!” – Ben R.
“There is nothing better than having my students realize they’re more resilient than they ever thought possible. Its interesting to me that people think I am wise because I teach at Spirit College!” – Karen W.
“To help students learn to think for themselves.” – Lesley T.
We are asking potential Spirit College teachers to share their reasons why they teach on our new Facebook Page. The type of answers we expect to read will be incredible! From following a natural passion, to enjoying teaching, or witnessing a student's “aha” moment, the responses are inspirational.
We will be proud to share them with you in future blog posts and webinars.
‘Impact the future world to come’
To their students, teachers can be so much more than an educator. The Spirit College environment supports, prepares, nurtures and encourages community, often long after their course experience together finishes.
‘It’s a calling that gives meaning & purpose’
Natural teachers love sharing knowledge. They feel a desire to share ideas, communicate concepts and inspire conversation with those around them. Spirit College instructors teach to reach into the beyond, and they do it because they love to see their students grow and progress in their personal develop over time.
Talk with Spirit College about Teaching
For Instructor Inquiries & Course Consultations