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Make History in your profession by being the first nominated to enter the Awards!

Welcome to the 1st annual Therapy Awards where we honor some of the best professionals and platforms for mental health support. We’ve researched the entire arena of providers and with our expert review process we will nominate those who are making a difference across a broad range of categories during these critical times where their valuable contributions matter most!




Nominations / 1st Call

Open to all nominated category of review entry.  Judges protocol codes

Online Entry by Nomination Open

Phase II


Nominations through September

Outstanding Therapist 

September - October (Fall Review)

Best Practices Evaluation

Committee Entry Approval Decisions

Open Now for Nomination Review

Reviewing therapies and practice

Whats working & who stands out

Ongoing to December Entry Review

Peer Support & LGBTQ


October Review Committee Updates

Recognition for best service providers

Outstanding Therapist Award Winners

November Review Committee Updates

Metaphysical of Possibility or Matrix?

Recognizing tech innovators

  • Ideas in New Therapy

  • Mindfulness Based Interventions

December Review Committee Reports

Addictions & Alcohol Abuse Services


  • Abuse/Neglect

  • Anxiety & Stress Reduction 

  • Crisis Intervention/Disaster Relief

  • Safety Protocols

2023 Awards Opening



January 2023

All Areas & Modalities of Practice

  • Forensic Psychology

  • General Psychological Testing

  • Group Psychotherapy

  • Individual Psychotherapy

  • PTSD/Traumatic Response

  • Personality Disorders

  • Crisis Intervention/Disaster Relief

  • Serious and Persistent Mental Illness

Feb - March 2023

Unique Abilities & Specialties

Results oriented practices reviewed

  • ADD / Attention Challenges

  • Career and Life Adjustments

  • Couples Therapy

  • Eating Disorders

April - May 2023


May - June 2023

Regular Committee Updates

Category Finalists

New Entry Review

Award Winner News

2022-23 Therapist Awards


Category Distinctions suitable for entry

  • Best Large Practice

  • Best Small Service

  • Patient Satisfaction

  • Best Accessibility

  • Best Flexibility

  • Best Financial Value

  • Best Low-Cost

  • Family Therapy

  • Group Therapy

Cube Trophy
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