We see the Podcast Channel as a new hybrid media model enhancing the ability to host and pro-actively cater to producing and promoting programs.
Our aim in addition to offering exceptional podcast programs is to craft dynamic new podcast products (original shows and contracted custom productions). All this while we focus on building a following by giving direly needed exposure to existing shows that would thrive by being found on our channel.
This is a true opportunity for program content to get heard where distinctive talents and skills can produce programming that will bring market attention and create sustainable value for our portfolio. Our efforts aim to satisfy our hosts, guests and savvy investors who imagine a great future for the Podcast Channel.
Our investment dev into the Podcast Channel will take a variety of forms.
We are about to do our first phase buildout raise and a in this round of funding our aim is to hire a pedigreed CTO and create the core team.
Startups are built in stages from idea to product-market fit and scale. And the kind of Podcast Channel Product and Engineering playbook we plan on implementing for our stage will make all the difference between hypergrowth and missing the boat.
Specifically, we are exploring how to:
- Determine the right Product & Engineering playbook for our company stage
- Build and scale world-class software teams
- Recruit and keep top talent
- Understand and motivate your developers
- Implement processes without losing speed and agility
- Measure R&D performance and key metrics for ongoing momentum
Business Community Outreach and Program Build
We will outreach to encourage corporate divisions and other small business enterprises to consider podcasting as a means of outreach that we can produce as a DFY service. We invite anyone considering the power of podcasting particularly influencers including executives, authors, expert transitioning to new business opportunities, as well as businesses from other private and public owners who seek market differentials. Often, we craft programs and partnerships with sellers who retain significant ongoing ownership into their podcast programs and share in future value creation alongside CD&R.
The industries we target for outreach can benefit from our podcast offerings included are consumer/retail, healthcare, industrials, and technology/business services along with other private channel venture and corporate-casts we can assist in producing.
Our sector champions suitable for hosting or guest interview opportunities include global industry leaders and typically share several key attributes:
Leading sustainable market positions in industries poised for long-term growth;
Competitive advantages through differentiated podcasts and products, technology/business services, or processes;
Potential to improve growth and enhance audience market engagement;
Broad “spread of listener trend” characteristics, such as multiple channels within the Podcast Channel development, wide-ranging customer and supplier bases, and diverse revenue streams;
Attractive return on capital characteristics; and
Stable cash flows.